
Grant Audit and Grant Management Solutions

  • Is your grant realizing its intended impact?
  • Does your grant-funded project need an audit?
  • How are you using storytelling to fundraise?

At Azizi Consulting, we are well-versed in handling every aspect of the grant lifecycle. We support our clients to unlock their potential for growth by identifying, securing and managing grants from both private donors and international aid agencies.

Our suite of grant solutions include:

  • Full Proposal Development: We lead all the proposal writing and coordination, helping you submit compelling grant proposals with clear value propositions and optimal chances of getting funding.
  • Proposal Refinement: We do a review and quality control for your drafted proposal, meticulously examining the document for accuracy, clarity and compliance with the request for proposal.
  • Grant Identification and Eligibility Assessment: We streamline your grant research, making it more efficient and straightforward to find the right grant and align your grant proposal, increasing your rate of success.
  • Strategic Planning: We map out a timeline for grant applications, aligning your strategic priorities and the funding opportunities to secure funding on time and maintain long-term financial stability. 
  • Grant Compliance and Reporting: We ensure compliance, accurate reporting, and demonstrable results, continuously building trust with funders and beneficiaries.
  • Grant Risk Management: We also help identify and mitigate risks associated with funding-supported projects and enable organizations to diversify their funding streams.
  • Grant Management Training: Our training solution helps strengthen your organizational capacity to successfully deliver impact and demonstrate the return on investment of your grant-funded projects.


Our Grant Audit and Management Advisory services have enabled our clients to maximize their funding potential, elevate their funding strategy and secure growth funding. Download and share our Grant Solutions Brochure.